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Monthly Archives: December 2024

Drink tea after eating, Never do it

Drink tea after eating, Never do it

Drink tea Often after a big meal, we naturally feel sleepy. Some people may take a nap, some friends who smoke go for a cigarette right after a meal, while some people like to drink tea thinking that it helps with digestion. Many of these

Why are "unripe bananas" so beneficial, especially for women?

Why are “unripe bananas” so beneficial, especially for women?

Unripe Bananas, a bright yellow fruit that many people overlook, are often seen as just a snack. But in fact, bananas are rich in many nutrients that are beneficial to health, especially for women. And here are the reasons why grilled bananas are especially beneficial for women. The

​5 Things You Shouldn’t Do After a Full Meal

​5 Things You Shouldn’t Do After a Full Meal

Often, after a full meal, I naturally feel sleepy. On weekends, I sometimes head back to bed after lunch. Some of my smoker friends like to go for a puff immediately after a meal. ufabet Others like to have a cup of tea thinking